About portable/static build

These are cross-distro builds for x86_64 systems. You should use them in the following cases:

  • You want the latest version without waiting for packages
  • You want to get plugin updates separately from the player releases (and vice versa)
  • You want to use the player even if some library is broken or missing in your distro
  • You want to have more flexibility over how the plugins are managed
  • You want to be in charge of when and how the player is updated, ignoring base system update cycle
  • You want the official build, created and tested by developer, linked to carefully selected (working!) library versions, built with proper settings, not messed up by some ignorant package maintainer


This is how you use it.

  • Download the archive (select 1st link from “download” page)
  • Unpack it to any place you like on your hard drive. Just make sure you can execute programs from there.
  • Run “deadbeef” from unpacked folder. That is it. You can also create a desktop shortcut to this file if you’re using a Desktop Environment, like GNOME or KDE.

Still doesn’t work?

Well this is Linux.. I must have mentioned dependencies in the 1st place :)

But there are not many of them. You will need the following libs to be installed using your distribution’s package manager:

  • GTK2 >= 2.16, and/or GTK3 >= 3.10.0
  • GLIBC >= 2.7
  • xlib (libx11)
  • libasound2

More questions?

send me an email

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