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there are really countless changes, i wouldn’t dare even trying to remember them all and list them here.. but market page should have a few.
in a nutshell, this release is based on deadbeef 0.5.1 codebase, with few android-specific tweaks here and there, plus completely new gui, new EQ, etc.
ad-free version should be coming soon.
right now, the free version 1.0.0 (with ads) is almost unrestricted, except there’s no widget, and there are few admob banners – “pro” version will remove banners, and will add widget. that’s basically it for now.
few tricks:
- to show track properties – touch album cover.
- to play shoutcast/icecast stream – use “Add Location” from menu, or launch
pls/m3u playlist after downloading it. i couldn’t figure out how to launch directly from browser.
other stuff should be mostly self-explanatory, but feel free to ask questions here.
have fun!
downloads: i686 static binary and source tarball
git tag: “0.5.1”
changelog since 0.5.0
- fixed crash bug after deleting playlists
- fixed importing fb2k EQ presets
- fixed bug causing garbage output when DSP plugins were changing channels count
- added oggenc –ignorelength bug workaround to converter
- added new mono2stereo DSP plugin
- fixed numerous bugs in multichannel support, down/upmixing, sampleformat conversions, etc
- fixed updating window titlebar after editing current track metadata
- fixed wrong middle mouse button double-click reaction in tray icon
- fixed scrobbling last track in “don’t loop” mode
- fixed shuffle albums mode when user starts album from the middle
- added connection timeout to libmms to prevent several-minutes freezes on unresolved hosts
- fixed inconsistent gui reaction when going from 1st track to previos in “don’t loop” mode
- removed -s option from bundled AAC encoder preset, for compatibility with older versions of FAAC
- fixed multiple selection “sticking” when pressing left+right mouse buttons, or trying to play missing file
- fixed syncing converter DSP preset list with the list from Preferences DSP tab
- FLAC plugin can now play files which report zero size, but have samples in them
- fixed playback of U8 wav files, and all the libsndfile formats that were not working in raw reading mode
- added option (on by default) to convert 8 bit samples to 16 bit
- added automatic samplerate option to SRC plugin
- restored “use ALSA resampling” option in ALSA plugin
- fixed several output format bugs in ALSA plugin
- added support for creating directory tree in converter plugin (Jan D. Behrens)
- set converter output folder to $HOME when it’s empty
- added new DSP plugin method “can_bypass”, to detect when DSP plugins can be bypassed by streamer
- improved check for multiple instances
- fixed loading cuesheets from archives
- added automatic resampler setup on 1st run with empty dsp chain, to simulate 0.4.4 behaviour
… after 2 betas, 1 rc and 6 months of development :)
downloads: i686 static binary and source tarball
git tag: “0.5.0”
i wanted to make 64 bit static build too, but it turned out that apgcc (from autopackage) doesn’t work correctly with 64bit libs. that means, there won’t be 64 bit static build in the nearest future - so if you have 64 bit system, there are following choices:
- build it yourself
- use 32bit version (it should work if 32 bit versions of libgtk2, libalsa, glibc are installed)
- wait for packages for your distribution
if you are building from tarball, and wondering where are the aosdk, DUMB, shn and some other plugins – they are not there :) they were moved out of tarball to get the player into linux distributions with strict licensing policies, where they want clean tarballs, without any traces of code that’s not GPL licensed.
but plugins are still in git, and they are in the static build archive. i will also prepare them as separate downloads a bit later.
posting “full” changelog since 0.4.4 here (extracted from ChangeLog file found in the tarball):
- added support for multichannel output
- added support for output in 8,24,32,float32 bits per sample formats
- improved replaygain support, with new options
- new DSP plugin API, allowing format conversions, time stretching and multiple instances
- configurable DSP chains
- added VGZ support to GME plugin
- moved libsamplerate resampler to separate DSP plugin
- added new playlist plugin API
- added new plugin for importing and exporting M3U and PLS formats
- added Edit->Sort By menu entry, with flexible sort options
- DUMB, AOSDK, SHN plugins are not distributed in deadbeef tarball anymore
- added “Shuffle albums” mode
- improved metadata editing, allowing modification of any text fields, including custom fields
- added support for editing metadata for multiple selected tracks
- improved Album Artist support
- added album covers to notifications
- title formatting now gives access to any track properties
- new option to auto-rename playlist when adding folders
- multiple mp3 plugin improvements, both speed and stability
- extended VFS plugin API to allow archive/container plugins
- added new ZIP plugin, to add/play files from zip files without unpacking
- numerous stability fixes in CURL plugin
- numerous stability fixes in AAC plugin
- fixed “hotkeys stop working after reboot” problem
- multiple improvements in playlist sorting and grouping
- multiple fixes in gtk widget rendering (playlist, tab bar, etc)
- few improvements in cue parser
- added OSS device selection to gui configuration
- reworked plugin list UI, to make bigger description field, and per-plugin license terms
- added saving/restoring window geometry to track properties and preferences
- new plugin Converter: convert from any supported format using customizable encoder presets)
- new plugin Soundtouch: resample, change pitch/tempo, timestretch, etc
- added support for files larger than 2Gb in size
- fixed CD Audio plugin freeze after switching CDs
- added support for switching GUI plugins to preferences window
- customizable lists of supported file extensions in SNDFILE and FFMPEG plugins
- fixed rendering of right-to-left text in playlist group titles
- added description with example to shellexec plugin
- fixed mp3 gapless playback (via LAME info tags)
- improved search speed
- added –play-pause command line option
downloads: i686 static binary and source tarball
you can also build from git using “0.5.0-rc1” tag.
this build is as close to final 0.5 as possible, except few cosmetic changes need to be done, such as Changelog update, fresh translations, etc.
make sure to try it out and report any issues, i’m planning to start making tarball for final 0.5 somewhere on saturday this week - so there is still some time to fix bugs.
short list of changes since beta2:
- binary build now has translations
- fixed AudioOverload plugin mem corruption bug
- fixed loading AudioOverload psf libs from archives
- many fixes in tags display, loading and editing
- several converter presets are now bundled, and available without any manual work
- fixed aac plugin in binary build
- added libpng support to notify plugin
- added –play-pause cmdline option
- fixed crash bug when loading 0.4.4 eq config
- fixed foobar2000 eq preset importing
- fixed freebsd compile problems
- fixed major bug in playlist sorting
- added apev2 tag reading/writing to tta plugin
- fixed apev2 writer to store multiline fields as single frames
and many more less-major fixes.
thanks to everyone who helped tracking down all the bugs.
download link
changes since beta1 build:
- fixed mp3 gapless playback and sample-accurate seeking
- fixed replaygain
- fixed displaying album covers in notifications
- fixed couple of OSS bugs
- fixed global hotkeys plugin crash on start
- fixed random stuttering when using ALSA output
- fixed unquoted string parsing in cuesheets
- fixed several M3U and PLS issues
- improved search speed
- built Converter, AudioOverload, SHN, DUMB, SRC-Resampler and PulseAudio plugins (included in this build)
and many other fixes.
thanks to everyone who helped by sending bug reports!
hopefully, the next build will be RC1
upd: i’ve uploaded few converter presets. grab archive from this link, and unpack into ~/.config/deadbeef/presets/. this way you’ll get following encoders in Converter: mp3 (lame), wav, flac, ogg. you will need to have appropriate cmdline encoders to be installed, except wav – it uses built-in function.
upd2: short instruction how to use resampler and other DSP plugins:
- go to Edit -> Preferences -> DSP
- click Add
- select “Resampler (Secret Rabbit Code)”, and click OK
- select the added plugin from list, and click Configure
- set desired samplerate and algorithm
- close Preferences window
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